About Talai

To me life’s a discovery tour, an opportunity to put into practice different awareness and understanding.

Through my life I have had voices in my head, videos play, documentaries with a narrator teaching me how to put into practice what I now understand to be the ‘Physics of the Universe’.

We are the creators of our reality, cause and effect, that which we put into motion whether it is a thought an action, belief, how it is reflected back to us through our choices, our awareness, our understanding.

My Journey

This journey for me has taken 60 years

It is my 60th year and I have practiced the non-judgment, the vigilance, the repetition. These are the core codes behind the understanding of what it means to be the light of creation focused into form, to be human.

This brings into clarity that we are always in the process of becoming; we are always doing the best we can with the knowledge we have in each moment and without exception we will continue to expand in our awareness through our experiences.

How I share Physics of the Universe

If you feel a resonance with the way I work then come with me down the rabbit hole and see what we can discover together in a way that suits your personality

and creating the flow that is your path of least resistance.


It’s been my pleasure to work with these indivividuals

“Having known Talai and familiar with her works for many years now, I have observed her own growth and expansion also, and it has been both a privilege and phenomenal. Many have said, she is not for the faint-hearted, and yet equally so it may be that she is, should you simply be 'ready' and 'desiring of' serious change in your Life. Talai Loma's unique style of working, will gift YOU opportunities abound and galore to address any and all you are ready too see shifted and shattered into oblivion. Naturally, there is always a responsibility of the individual/s to do the work required of us to see this into fruition, in 'any' movement forward. However, Talai's effortless ability to tap into Pure Source, combined with her unique teachings and her own Life experiences, will assist you in opening up to YOUR own awesome expansion and unlimited potential, should you so choose to put into action the steps required of you, by you, to do so!!! Talai is a most resilient woman, a truly Joy~full human Being, and indeed a fellow human traveller whom truly 'Walks her Talk'!!! Do not fear her fierceness. Embrace it!!! This is a great gift too you, and is nothing more than the shift she has come to participate in, and her passion to impart any appropriate knowledge and information that will pour forth in specific relation to YOU and YOUR needs and requirements, whether you be an individual/family/group or a business. I highly recommend her works for those whom resonate and/or are ready for serious shift and change in your Life, or are simply feeling 'stuck and hungry for a new and updated version of YOU!!! Talai Loma offers all, in her own unique style and rhythm, updated informations, and new ways of Being and functioning here in our World, as individuals, in conjunction with the Collective Whole!!! A magnificent gift to humankind. Yes, sirreee..."
Carol Nesbit
New Zealand
"Talai eloquently tells you what you need to hear from your spiritual guides. Find out how to get your life back on track or recover from an illness or stressful event. Create your own positive future, one where your true self will shine.   A unique experience, one that will change your life. All you need to do is listen, absorb the advice and over time expect miracles to happen. Learn how to change your thoughts and create your own reality.”
New Zealand
"Talai is very connected. Time and time again she has helped me realign with my greater purpose and has told me the things that I needed to hear at the time to be able to better tune into the feeling side of my being."
"I have been studying meditation & altered states for 30 years, encountering extraordinary teachers & allies through my journeys. With just one class, Talai taught me how to reprogramme my thought patterns and create a new reality through vigilance, repetition, and non-judgement. Months later, I am aware that this spiritual upgrade and Narrative Therapy was a life-changing gift. So, if long-term serenity and mental clarity are goals you seek, I strongly recommend having a chat with Talai. She will transform your mind and the world it creates, unlike any other teacher, ally or guide I have encountered."
Gavin Healy
psychonaut adventurer & TEDx speaker

It is not a mandate that things need to be difficult, hard or a struggle we can choose easily and effortlessly; we always have freedom of choice.  

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