How I work

All my work, whether it is with an individual, couples, families, groups / classes, a business, is in collaboration with Source. when I use the terminology Source it is the Source of being human, that which is our point of origin, our individual spark, light that is creation.

My work is in alignment with the personality / collective personality of the person, group, family, business, flowing the information / vibration necessary to assist in the desired outcome, the request for a new alignment, new experience.

Sessions are designed around the request, desired outcome. Sessions consist of the flowing of Universal Assisted Learning / information, vibrational / energy work. Meaning we are vibrational beings first and foremost our physical experience is not who we are it is what we are doing at this time, as Source focused into form.

Vibration is the major component to the work that I do, for shifting how we feel helps support the new language we put into practice, the language that supports our expansion and awareness in who we really are, coming to take ownership of our true identity.

‘Physics of the Universe’ understanding the mechanics of our Universe, our experience being human is amazingly simple, it is humans that make it complicated. Once you grasp how simple it is and are willing to do non-judgement, vigilance and repetition you can change your life on all levels easily and effortlessly.

As the Source of my being human says – the techniques are simple the hard part is people wanting to do the repetition. We learn all that we do through repetition, how we learnt our abc’s, how we learn to read and write, jobs, to drive a car etc, all done through repetition.


Discover ~ Practise ~ Self~Sustainability as a Creator Human

If you feel a resonance with the way that I work let’s see what we can do to have your life flowing easily and effortlessly. To live a life of joyful intent without suffering, remember anything is possible with a desire for change.

All Sessions will involve

All sessions can be experienced in person or virtually - skype, messenger, viber.
  • Understanding the Principles of Universal Lore
  • Integrating Unity Consciousness
  • Understanding your (Universal / Soul) Birth Language
  • Aligning with your Vibrational Communication System
  • Awakening within your Souls Dream
  • Becoming a Conscious Dreamer
  • Activation as a Creator Human

Simple Techniques, tools supporting your desire for clarity, vitality, rejuvenation, health n wellbeing on all levels


Individual (Personal) Sessions

in person ~ video call ~ phone call

$130 NZD per hour

Payment in advance ( including transaction fees if applicable ) is required for all Sessions and / or Packages
via PayPal or Online Banking.

4 Session Package

4 Sessions
includes 6 support calls with duration 30mins each

The purpose of booking in blocks of 4 is to integrate new practices in real time, to support and affirm your newly designed lifestyle utilising NON-JUDGEMENT ~ VIGILANCE ~ REPETITION.

First and second block of 4, ( no matter time in-between blocks) Sessions to be booked weekly same day of the week to build and support intention, REPETITION, creating a sustainable positive momentum.
Once 2 blocks of 4 are completed we can discuss a new flow of 4 to continue your practice of living as a Creator Human. You can continue this repetition for as long as you feel is appropriate.


Together we can custom design and price a package to suit depending on your particular needs and situation.

Live Streaming Life

This is a commitment ~ using your now as a reference point to create awareness, tools for clarity and focus while practicing REPETITION to affirm your newly designed reality.


  • A Practiced Lifestyle
  • Embracing your True Identity as a Creator Human
  • If it is your desire to create a new reality, then this is a way to develop focus and practise being present in your life, in a way that suits your personality in harmony with your lifestyle.


It’s been my pleasure to work with these indivividuals

“Outstanding, Direct, Spiritually Gifted, and an Exceptional Teacher” I have known and worked with Talai for 20 years and during that time, participated numerous times in her classes, events and programmes.  The way she explains and teaches is definitely direct from Source as the words becomes visions when she is speaking.  Her direct link is exceptional and her dedication to helping others begin or continue their journey has been worldly recognised.  She travels mostly within Australasia but also works with clients throughout the world, My family were totally lucky to be part of The Pathway Evolution where with time and dedication, let go of past issues, expanded our growth, not just within ourselves but amazingly became a stronger family unit."
Jill Evans
New Zealand
"Talai’s teachings have transformed the way I speak , the way I think . This new language has transformed my life . Its simplicity is astonishing, Yet it is in the experience of it along with the practise of it every day that has had incredible positive changes for me . Non-judgement, repetition and vigilance. Instead of worrying about my life I simply receive and choose a life filled with joy and laughter which ripples into all areas of my life . My relationships, the way I receive an income , my health , my fitness, my home . It feels like I have discovered a magic wand."
Mary Jo
New Zealand
"It is with overwhelming gratitude to Talai that I write this testimonial. Talai is a practitioner that is extremely skilled in her field, finely tuned and uses many different techniques to achieve amazing outcomes for her clients. She has assisted me over the many years I have known her and is the only practitioner that I have seen before a long haul flight that still enables me to walk completely pain free when I arrive at my destination. She has always achieved incredible results for me. Thank you Talai."
Fiona H
"Working with Talai has been the most empowering step in my self realization. It has allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me. I feel more and more in charge of my own life. Like pieces of the puzzle being put together, each session, I gain the necessary clarity to refine who I am and what I wish to offer. With Talai, I learnt that the concept of responsibility has a whole other meaning: a sense of deep freedom. Freedom which requires a certain courage to look at things as they are, to accept people as they are, to see what is my role in the co creation of everything in my life. Through working with Talai, I have acquired tools I use every single day and the results are beyond anything I could have expected. Talai’s work is powerful and deep, and always with a touch of humor 😉 I am deeply grateful."
Anne Neuenschwander
"I have been enjoying my sessions with Talai for over a year now and the benefit to me has been immeasurable. I look forward to our calls immensely and they always seem to be just at 'the right time" offering the guidance I'm seeking regarding my situation of the moment. There is so much information to absorb but with the recorded sessions it is perfect to go back and listen again and each time the messages become clearer. Thank you so much Talai my calls with you are invaluable."
Heather Hearne
New Zealand
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