Stories & Analogies


The purpose of the Analogies, within the practise of ‘Physics of the Universe’, is all about bringing through a simple understanding of a teaching.

Throughout my life I have received the teachings ‘Physics of the Universe’ which I have then put into practice utilising non-judgement, vigilance, repetition.

At times I did not know what I was receiving, was what I wanted to know until I experienced / felt vibrationally the understanding of the teachings.

Some of this teaching has taken years to grasp all layers, I am great at practicing repetition, putting it into practise the teachings, as my personality loves clarity. has chosen to experience it for myself, to know what is absolute divine truth in our journey as Source focused into form.

Once I have completed a teaching, I get an instant confirmation letting me know that I have got it. Once that happens, I receive a download of an analogy, it comes in instantly with absolute clarity.

I can then pass on that analogy to help others understand ‘Physics of the Universe’, in relationship to their life, their awareness, their desire for the ownership of their true identity.

The analogies support the practise of repetition, going back to the information, hearing it, feeling it, recognising your practice, supporting putting your new language, understanding into action in your everyday life, in a way that suits your personality, through your path of least resistance, without judgement.


This journey with the fly fisherman is about the left hemisphere of the brain. The part of the brain that is learned knowledge.

Does your left brain call you to distraction? Does it create the perfect story to attract your attention – taking you into struggle and away from your true purpose.


The hourglass is about the unseen fears and hurts that still reside activated in our field.

You have asked for change, therefore change must occur. As the new comes in, the old ways must come out.


This analogy is about how we treat ourselves and our experiences that we have whether beating up on ourselves or encouraging ourselves.

When you see a child in distress, you don’t yell at it and abuse it, you talk to kindly, lovingly and supportively.

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