Physics of the Universe Workshops

Bring your sense of humor, your questions and your desire to embrace more of your divinity, the knowing of who you are and the knowledge of where you are.

In times of transition, like a Caterpillar through the chrysalis to become the butterfly, it can be a time of disintegration, as a process it can feel like it is forever or taking a long time, as evolution goes, we are moving quite rapidly into our new way of being.

If there is faith and trust in self then the path will be a path of least resistance, when there is confusion and doubt the path can seem worrisome and difficult.

In the return to Self-there is a heightened sense /awareness about self and the ability to hear the inner voice with more clarity, to practice it’s guidance with more trust, to discover your ability to embrace the Self realization of your true identity.

And you are finding your resonance, on your journey of self-discovery, calibrating a new understanding to the world you live in. So many things we have been told as fact along the way or this is the way that it is, to find out that a lot of it is not divine truth it is a designed reality – which is absolutely fine, Yet your true identity is about speaking a new (original) language, dropping the words that support suffering, confusion, worry, blame doubt, a perception of lack. It is about how we use our language (for us English), using it in a new way, understanding the power / vibration of the spoken word, that is how you cement your new foundation in this new paradigm, the birthing of a new age.

First, down the rabbit hole!

Physics and the Universe relative to you

TUESDAY EVENINGS FROM 6.30PM – 8.30PM at the Common Room in Warkworth

Next class: Tuesday AUGUST 3RD, 2021


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