Splore 2021 – Sounz n Vision Experience

This is the Pathways Evolution Installation ( P.E.I ) video I created for an after-dark event in the Wendy’s Wellness Zone at Splore. The P.E.I is an inspired creation in collaboration with Source, utilizing a combination of color, sound, sacred geometry.

This was my first time at Splore, it was also the first time I had presented a Sounz n Vision Experience at this level. My overall Splore adventure was an amazing experience of diversity, joy, celebration, it was a feast for the eyes, ears, the taste buds.

“I have been studying meditation & altered states for 30 years, encountering extraordinary teachers & allies through my journeys. With just one class, Talai taught me how to reprogramme my thought patterns and create a new reality through vigilance, repetition, and non-judgement. Months later, I am aware that this spiritual upgrade and Narrative Therapy was a life-changing gift. So, if long-term serenity and mental clarity are goals you seek, I strongly recommend having a chat with Talai. She will transform your mind and the world it creates, unlike any other teacher, ally or guide I have encountered.”
– Gavin Healy, psychonaut adventurer & TEDx speaker


If you wish to have a play and experience a vibrational shift watch this P.E.I while only focussing on the centre of the screen ( not the imagery ) to support clarity, focus, intent, to shift an old paradigm allowing / receiving new inspiration to flow through from your Infinite intelligence.

Good old repetition!

To take it to the next level try watching it morning and night for 30 days or more.


The P.E.I soundtrack is music by Sika / sikamusic.com

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YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/wv1Tom5XOvU Soundcloud link: https://on.soundcloud.com/3RC26 Spotify link: https://open.spotify.com/episode/55j8GIB80rTc1M53rLhrVC?si=055599e1673b4aca

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